FundRaising Campaigns
The Brockville & District Shrine Club (BDSC) presented $1,000 worth of gift cards to the Brockville and District Hospital Foundation in support of Brockville General Hospital.
The gift cards are a show of thanks to Brockville General Hospital’s health care workers, for the special effort, and extra care that they are providing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gary Tristram, Past Potentate of Tunis Shriners, and the current President of the BDSC, said "Shriners for the past 100 years have depended on this community for support in our various fundraising efforts and this is one visible way that we can say, thank you for putting your life at risk to keep our community safe."
Jack Butt, also a Past Potentate, and a current Vice-President, was recently a patient at both the Charles and Garden Street sites stated, "I watched all the staff go about their work tirelessly with a smile on their face; always pleasant, making sure the needs of their patient and the family were taken care of…..this is the least we can do."
Gary said he truly appreciates the support of the Foundation, and our partnership with Carolyn Burpee, owner of Shopper Drug Mart (Brockville and Prescott locations).
Potentate of Tunis Shriners, Chris Wanna, stated, “I congratulate both Gary and Jack, and the Brockville and District Shrine Club for establishing this community outreach initiative. I was pleased to be part of the presentation and be able to say thank you BGH for keeping us safe and taking care of us during this stressful time.”
PHOTO CAPTION: Pictured outside the Shoppers Drug Mart, King Street, Brockville location maintaining a 2 meter distance are (l-r): Jack Butt, Past Potentate, and current Vice-President, Brockville & District Shrine Club; representing, Carolyn Burpee, Owner of Shopper Drug Mart (Brockville & Prescott locations), is Janice Woollcombe, Front Store Manager, Shoppers Drug Mart; Gary Tristram, Past Potentate and current President of the Brockville & District Shrine Clubs, and Chris Wanna, Potentate of Tunis Shriners.